Colour My World Chinese New Year 2024 Artists-In-Residence Series Workshop

Colour My World Chinese New Year 2024 Artists-In-Residence Series Workshop

Chinese New Year 2024 Artists-In-Residence Series Workshop

Pick Your Week:

Week 1 :  7 – 9 Feb 2024
Week 2 14 – 16 Feb 2024

This Chinese New Year, we are hosting two unique artist-in-residence workshops. Introducing Savannah Russell specialising in the realm of Photography & Videography, and Alex Dutton, in Art & Maths through creative STEAM classes.

Geometry Symmetry

(Geometric Drawing, Digital Editing)

For 9 yrs+

Fees : $2,950
Pick Your Week:
Wed – Fri, 7 – 9 Feb
Wed – Fri, 14 – 16 Feb
10:00 am – 12:45 pm daily

Unleash the creative potential of mathematics! Whether it’s the drawings of MC Escher or the architecture of the Islamic world, maths has been used by artists and designers for centuries. Guest STEAM facilitator Alex Dutton will coach you through three ways of mathematically developing a repeat pattern into complex figuration as well as through mathematical randomness. Then, Colour My World facilitator Jem Perks will teach you ways to make use of digital art software to create complex tessellations from your work quickly and easily! No advanced maths knowledge needed.

About the Facilitators :

Alex Dutton is a tutor, teacher and founder of STEM education NGO Phoenix Space. He brings his deep knowledge of maths gained during his studies as astrophysics and combines it with a fresh, creative perspective that is hard to find in the classroom. He coaches Days 1 & 2 Geometric Drawing.

Jem Perks is an illustrator and designer who works with both digital and traditional media. He has been commissioned to illustrate for a variety of purposes including book covers, product packaging, and event promotion. He coaches Day 3 Digital Editing.

Fantastical Landscape Cinemagraph

(Photo Manipulation, Digital Collage)

For 9 yrs+

Fees : $2,850
Pick Your Week:
Wed – Fri, 7 – 9 Feb
Wed – Fri, 14 – 16 Feb
10:00 am – 12:30 pm daily

Dive into the digital with this photo-manipulation workshop introducing the basics of video editing (masking, layering, colour-editing) on Adobe Photoshop. Use digital image manipulation and animation to create a ‘still’ moving image – or cinemagraph. Combining images from various visual sources, we will create a multi-layer, fantasy-inspired digital collage complete with moving elements designed to delight and surprise.

About the Facilitator : Trained as a video producer, editor and photographer, Savannah is a freelance artist, whose work has been featured in multiple exhibitions including a recent group show with the Hong Kong Arts Collective. She is also art director to numerous live performances. When she is not teaching art, she runs her brand SKR studios for photo and video production.