Pick Your Week (Tue-Thu):
Week 1 : 9-11 Feb
Week 2 : 16-18 Feb
Welcome to the Year of the Metal Ox and boost your positivity through creation. Join us for Zodiac-themed Visual Art & Drama workshops. May this year be full of luck and bring us all health and good fortune.
![Colour My World Chinese New Year Geometric Bull](https://colour-my-world.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Colour-My-World-Chinese-New-Year-Geometric-Bull.jpg)
Geometric Bull
(Standing Mixed Media Collage)
VISUAL ART & DRAMA for 4 – 6.5 yrs
Fees : $1,850
Pick Your Week (Tue-Thu):
9-11 Feb
16-18 Feb
10:00 am – 12:30 pm daily
Create a geometrical, festive bull collage that can stand on its own feet. Use a variety of textures as well as lustrous materials including assorted paper, fabric swatches and laisee packets. Begin the collage on card and take home a free-standing geometric bull to welcome in the lunar new year.
Our young performers of 4 – 6.5 yrs will explore storytelling and the Zodiac animals through physical theatre practice. Learning narrative pantomime and physical movement, participants are invited to discover the traits of the twelve Zodiac animals as characterised in the story of “The Zodiac Animals”, delivering a physical and energetic story.
![Colour My World Chinese New Year Animal Collage Art](https://colour-my-world.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Colour-My-World-Chinese-New-Year-Animal-Collage-Art.jpg)
Animals Collage Art
(Painting, Illustration)
VISUAL ART & DRAMA for 6.5 – 10 yrs
Fees : $1,950
Pick Your Week (Tue-Thu):
9-11 Feb
16-18 Feb
10:00 am – 12:45 pm daily
Portray unique characteristics of your favourite zodiac animals through a mixed-media illustration on wood board, inspired by the style of abstract artist Michel Keck. Experiment with layering collaged paper, pen linework, and acrylics. Study your animal of choice closely, using tracing tool for rendering its unique facial features.
For our older performers aged 6.5 – 10 yrs, we will expand our creativity with themed characterisation and physical theatre techniques. This advanced platform of storytelling will boost collaborative ensemble-building skills of our performers, recreating the adventurous story of “The Great Animal Race”.
![Colour My World Chinese New Year Ceramics](https://colour-my-world.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Colour-My-World-Chinese-New-Year-Ceramics.jpg)
Ceramic Fanatics
(Pinched Pot, Sgraffito)
VISUAL ART only for 10 yrs +
Fees : $2,300
(inclusive of bisque & glaze firing for 1 ware)
Pick Your Week (Tue & Thu):
9 & 11 Feb
16 & 18 Feb
10:00 am – 1:00 pm daily
Join an intensive, 6-hour workshop where ceramicist Felicity Wong will guide you through creating and decorating a refined, pinched pot with underglaze. Come up with and carve original pattern designs into your ceramic ware utilizing the technique of sgraffito. Learn the basics of clay modeling and trimming on the potter’s wheel.
(Maximum 3 pax in a class)