Colour My World Chinese New Year Workshop 2021

Colour My World Chinese New Year Workshop 2021

Pick Your Week (Tue-Thu):

Week 1 : 9-11 Feb
Week 2 : 16-18 Feb

Welcome to the Year of the Metal Ox and boost your positivity through creation. Join us for Zodiac-themed Visual Art & Drama workshops. May this year be full of luck and bring us all health and good fortune.

Geometric Bull

(Standing Mixed Media Collage)

VISUAL ART & DRAMA for 4 – 6.5 yrs

Fees : $1,850
Pick Your Week (Tue-Thu):
9-11 Feb
16-18 Feb

10:00 am – 12:30 pm daily


Create a geometrical, festive bull collage that can stand on its own feet. Use a variety of textures as well as lustrous materials including assorted paper, fabric swatches and laisee packets. Begin the collage on card and take home a free-standing geometric bull to welcome in the lunar new year.


Our young performers of 4 – 6.5 yrs will explore storytelling and the Zodiac animals through physical theatre practice. Learning narrative pantomime and physical movement, participants are invited to discover the traits of the twelve Zodiac animals as characterised in the story of “The Zodiac Animals”, delivering a physical and energetic story.


Animals Collage Art

(Painting, Illustration)

VISUAL ART & DRAMA for 6.5 – 10 yrs

Fees : $1,950
Pick Your Week (Tue-Thu):
9-11 Feb
16-18 Feb

10:00 am – 12:45 pm daily


Portray unique characteristics of your favourite zodiac animals through a mixed-media illustration on wood board, inspired by the style of abstract artist Michel Keck. Experiment with layering collaged paper, pen linework, and acrylics. Study your animal of choice closely, using tracing tool for rendering its unique facial features.


For our older performers aged 6.5 – 10 yrs, we will expand our creativity with themed characterisation and physical theatre techniques. This advanced platform of storytelling will boost collaborative ensemble-building skills of our performers, recreating the adventurous story of “The Great Animal Race”.


Ceramic Fanatics

(Pinched Pot, Sgraffito)

VISUAL ART only for 10 yrs +

Fees : $2,300
(inclusive of bisque & glaze firing for 1 ware)
Pick Your Week (Tue & Thu):
9 & 11 Feb
16 & 18 Feb

10:00 am – 1:00 pm daily

Join an intensive, 6-hour workshop where ceramicist Felicity Wong will guide you through creating and decorating a refined, pinched pot with underglaze. Come up with and carve original pattern designs into your ceramic ware utilizing the technique of sgraffito. Learn the basics of clay modeling and trimming on the potter’s wheel.
(Maximum 3 pax in a class)


Colour My World Visual Arts E-Bulletin Jan-Feb 2021

Colour My World Visual Arts E-Bulletin Jan-Feb 2021



Art and Science will come together

Become a better artist by blending art and science together. While the two disciplines have been traditionally kept separate, they are closely related in many ways. Just like arts, scientific breakthroughs require a great deal of creativity and just like Science, a function of the Arts is to investigate the world around us. 

What are light and colour made of and how are they related? Learn scientific research in the development of language. What is the driving force behind the motion of a moving sculpture? How does the passage of time affect the physical materials that we use?   

Embark on a quest to answer these questions and more in order to create more meaningful artworks. 

To find out more about our Visual Arts Workshops, visit: 


ENROL NOW: Term starts from 2 Jan! Existing students do NOT need to re-enrol.

Explorer’s Art   (3 – 4.5 yrs)

Candy Pop

Start off 2021 on a sweet note. Using dessert as a subject, our Explorers will improve their colour awareness, crafting skills, and knowledge of materials. Create an off the scale cupcake sculpture, use food patterns and resist techniques to create a framed fibre art, and stencil to design a Pop-art relief composition.

Core Art   (4.5 yrs+)

Fleeting Impressions

Step into the shoes of Claude Monet by finding joy in capturing the moment. Learn about Monet’s series of impressionist works of Haystacks and take on the challenge of capturing a fleeting moment through specific lighting conditions. Materials such as pencil crayon, acrylic paint, and others will be employed to convey scenery in specific time of day and season. Projects include depicting different stages of a single leaf as it withers, capturing a landscape in different light settings, and painting a rapidly moving subject like hummingbirds. Learn about contemporary works by Etel Adnan and Gerhard Richter.

Ready-Set-Draw   (8 yrs+)

The Drawing Machine

Arm yourself with foundational skills to set up drawing for success. Improve the connection between your eyeballs and your arm. Learn about academic drawing theory with useful drawing tricks. Try out antiquated tricks like the 15th century device called the Drawing Machine. Go through the basics of observational drawing through a combination of drawing exercises: still-life studies, photograph studies in charcoal, biro, and graphite. The final study is a self-portrait in extreme foreshortening, drawn from a photograph in your dry medium of preference.

Sculpture Culture
(Pottery-Ceramics 8 yrs+)

Fundamentals Master Class

Learn to build three-dimensionally and excel in creation that takes form in art ware, figurines, sculpture, decorative and applied art objects. Acquire fundamental skills from pinching, coiling, slab to wheel-throwing, we shall experiment with new materials whilst utilising techniques of slip casting, clay modelling, and surface texturing.     

Tactile Textile   (10 yrs+)

Abstract Land

Weave in three dimensions and create a landscape-inspired abstract sculpture. Historically, decorative and artistic woven pieces are created to be displayed on a wall, covering the floor, or adorning other surfaces. However, contemporary artists have challenged this notion by using traditional weaving together with 3 dimensional structures and forms. Using bendable metal as the foundation structure, weave strips of fabric and build your sculptural form. Explore both unconventional and traditional techniques such as weaving, knotting, and knitting.

NEW! Architecture in Context  (13 yrs+)

Build a foundation for both creative and technical architectural drawing. Learn to render perspective, shape, space and form. With a mix of technical drawings, mood boards and illustrations, investigate common practical challenges faced in industry within the context of Hong Kong’s numerous historic landmarks. Topics of investigation include building Relocation, Restoration and Conversion. Use real floor plans and imagery from existing structures to create both conceptual and imaginative drawings.

Sketchbook Studies / Painting
10 yrs+)

Contemporary Painting & The 5 Elements

Metal, water, wood, fire, earth – gain a basic understanding of Chinese painting philosophy by getting acquainted with the 5 elements. Draw inspiration from works by Contemporary Asian painters such as Crystal Liu and Kim Tschang Yeul to produce a large format painting in watercolour & gouache. Learn how to apply gold-leafing with imitation gold foil. Appreciate the elements’ ancient roots in Asian philosophies of medicine, astrology, feng shui as well as their use and meaning in contemporary art.


Mentor Studio   (13 yrs+)

For art enthusiasts who are considering Art for GCSE, A-Levels, IGCSE or IB; or who simply enjoy being stretched artistically. Mentor Studio is open to any participants who want to strengthen their skill repertoire, build on their collection of portfolio-worthy artworks, or explore challenging themes through open-end self-enquiry guided closely by a mentor. Acquire in-depth knowledge and understanding of art-form, techniques and styles used as we guide you through various artistic decision and pathways to artistic achievement.

Colour My World X’mas / New Year Extravaganza Workshop 2020-21

Colour My World X’mas / New Year Extravaganza Workshop 2020-21

Pick Your Week (Mon-Wed):

Week 1 : 14-16 Dec 2020
Week 2 : 21-23 Dec 2020
Week 3 : 28-30 Dec 2020

Additional Week for Visual Arts (7yrs+):
Mon-Wed, 4-6 Jan 2021 (Enormous Crawly Only)
Thu-Fri, 7-8 Jan 2021 (Art Insectoid Only)

Enjoy the many festive surprises this Holiday season has in store. Whether it be a printed landscape, ornamental fauna stamping, or a sculptural rendition of a whimsical crawly critter, join the holiday fun and appreciate nature in all of its wintery glory.

 Whimsical Beings

(3D Tactile Sculpture)

VISUAL ART & DRAMA for 4 – 6.5 yrs

Fees : $1,850
Pick Your Week (Mon-Wed):
14-16 Dec 2020
21-23 Dec 2020
28-30 Dec 2020

10:00 am – 12:30 pm daily


Use textile, ribbon, twigs, feathers, paint, and more to craft your own ethereal being. Be it an angel, fairy queen, or a mischievous elf, explore the soft and hard materials and develop an aesthetic colour theme to create your own elegant figure to give as a gift to a loved one or adorn your house.


Our young performers of 4 – 6.5 yrs will engage in stylised movement phrases, to create stage pictures of frolicsome and festive activities. We will sing and dance our way through characterisation, improvisational movements and physicality to ring in the holiday cheer with our very own theatre slide show.


Serene Fauna

(Illustration, Printing)

VISUAL ART & DRAMA for 6.5 – 10 yrs

Fees : $1,950
Pick Your Week (Mon-Wed):
14-16 Dec 2020
21-23 Dec 2020
28-30 Dec
10:00 am – 12:45 pm daily


Create a serene tree fauna printed composition. Stylize and illustrate creatures living in the snowy woods, from squirrels & nightingales to owls & mushrooms. Fill the shapes with patterns and ornaments. Interpret your designs into carved-and-scratched polystyrene foam to be printed on paper. Design and take home and take home for a perfect winter animal menagerie!


In our ‘The 12 Days of Christmas’ drama workshop for 6.5 – 10 yrs, we will expand our creative boundaries with themed characterisation. Using choral speaking techniques, visual representations of freeze frames for the calendar and soundscapes to create a bold adaptation and recorded parody of our new song of ’12 Days of Winter Holiday’.


Winter Tropics in Print

(Illustration, Painting, Lino Printing)

VISUAL ART only for 10 yrs +

Fees : $2,100
Pick Your Week (Mon-Wed):
14-16 Dec 2020
21-23 Dec 2020
28-30 Dec 2020

10:00 am – 12:45 pm daily

Find inspiration in the hoard of jungle fauna and dramatic mountainous landscape that surrounds you. Analyze shape, form, and patterns from nature photographs of Hong Kong. Explore lino-cutting and printmaking techniques. Interpret the scenery with expressive colours by layering painting, lino-printing and illustration. Portray your familiar natural environment through a different perspective.


Enormous Crawly

(Paper Assemblage, 3D)

VISUAL ART only for 7 yrs +

Fees : $1,750 / 3-morning enrolment
Mon-Wed, 4-6 Jan 2021 Only
10:00 am – 12:00 noon daily

Eyes sparkling like thousands of coloured gems. Wings as delicate as lace. Insects are just magnificent! You will learn essential rules about macro and micro proportions by studying the anatomy of insects. Then scaling up your creepy-crawly into paper-craft beauties, complete with a spectacle of meticulous craft skills (cutting & assemblage) enhanced with geometric pattern design and chromatic harmony.


Art Insectoid

(Illustration, Collage)

VISUAL ART only for 7 yrs +

Fees : $1,250 / 2-morning enrolment
Thu-Fri, 7-8 Jan 2021 Only
10:00 am – 12:00 noon daily

Design and put together a highly stylized art piece inspired by the world of insects and works of Britt DeMaris. Make your own collage crafting paper to use in your creation. Combine line illustration together with collaging techniques. Develop a vibrant illustration rendered in colour pencil.

Colour My World Visual Arts E-Bulletin Nov-Dec 2020

Colour My World Visual Arts E-Bulletin Nov-Dec 2020


Art and Science will come together

Become a better artist by blending art and science together. While the two disciplines have been traditionally kept separate, they are closely related in many ways. Just like arts, scientific breakthroughs require a great deal of creativity and just like Science, a function of the Arts is to investigate the world around us. 

What are light and colour made of and how are they related? Learn scientific research in the development of language. What is the driving force behind the motion of a moving sculpture? How does the passage of time affect the physical materials that we use?   

Embark on a quest to answer these questions and more in order to create more meaningful artworks.

To find out more about our Visual Arts Workshops, visit: 


ENROL NOW: Term starts from 31 Oct! Existing students do NOT need to re-enrol.

Explorer’s Art   (3 – 4.5 yrs)

A Little Zen

Develop an appreciation of East Asian visual arts from Chinese ink brush calligraphy to serene zen rock gardens. Use a traditional ink brush and rice paper to play with portraying expressive Chinese characters. Interpret motifs from traditional and contemporary ink painting such as fruit, flowers and mountains. Learn about the Japanese art of etegami (e= image; tegami= letter) and build your own miniature zen garden while learning its history and purpose.

Core Art   (4.5 yrs+)

Narrative Words

Take stylistic cues from Hong Kong’s own Kwok Mang Ho and create a mixed-media collage. Experience materials and techniques from stamp printmaking to texture rendering and ink brush calligraphy. Express an animal of choice and its corresponding traditional Chinese character in a composition portraying the animal’s characteristics, texture and emotive qualities. Consider the use of lettering and textural juxtaposition within your composition.

Ready-Set-Draw   (8 yrs+)

Mystical Monster Mash-up

Step beyond your stylistic comfort zone and experiment with different ways of drawing via the medium of oil pastel.  The Assyrian Lamassu, the Egyptian Sphynx, the Greek Chimera – what do all these monsters have in common? These ancient mythical beasts are a mash-up of mismatching animals. Work your way from observational line drawing to figurative abstraction and learn oil pastel techniques along the way. Choose and develop your favourite style to a final wood-board illustration. 

Sculpture Culture   (Pottery-Ceramics 8 yrs+)

Fundamentals Master Class

Learn to build three-dimensionally and excel in creation that takes form in art ware, figurines, sculpture, decorative and applied art objects. Acquire fundamental skills from pinching, coiling,  slab to wheel-throwing, we shall experiment with new materials whilst utilizing techniques of slip casting, clay modeling, and surface texturing.     

Tactile Textile   (10 yrs+)

Expressive Figuration

Use thread as your medium to express a human figure in the bright colour palette of the French painter Paul Gauguin. Starting from a magazine photo collage, transpose the figure into its textile interpretation through the technique of soluble fabric and stitching. A perfect workshop to test your dexterity and master your machine stitch skills. 

NEW! Architecture in Context  (13 yrs+)

Build a foundation for both creative and technical architectural drawing. Learn to render perspective, shape, space and form. With a mix of technical drawings, mood boards and illustrations, investigate common practical challenges faced in industry within the context of Hong Kong’s numerous historic landmarks. Topics of investigation include building Relocation, Restoration and Conversion. Use real floor plans and imagery from existing structures to create both conceptual and imaginative drawings.

Sketchbook Studies / Painting   (10 yrs+)

Bizarre Narrative

Weave contradicting themes and subjects into a bizarre and enigmatic oil painting. Be inspired by the motifs and imagery of Mid-20th century collage artists Man Ray and Raoul Hausmann. Develop a bizarre narrative through the processes of collage and photomontage enriched with unexpected elements and contradicting themes.


Mentor Studio   (13 yrs+)

For art enthusiasts who are considering Art for GCSE, A-Levels, IGCSE or IB; or who simply enjoy being stretched artistically. Mentor Studio is open to any participants who want to strengthen their skill repertoire, build on their collection of portfolio-worthy artworks, or explore challenging themes through open-end self-enquiry guided closely by a mentor. Acquire in-depth knowledge and understanding of art-form, techniques and styles used as we guide you through various artistic decision and pathways to artistic achievement.