Colour My World Chinese New Year Workshop 2021

Colour My World Chinese New Year Workshop 2021

Pick Your Week (Tue-Thu):

Week 1 : 9-11 Feb
Week 2 : 16-18 Feb

Welcome to the Year of the Metal Ox and boost your positivity through creation. Join us for Zodiac-themed Visual Art & Drama workshops. May this year be full of luck and bring us all health and good fortune.

Geometric Bull

(Standing Mixed Media Collage)

VISUAL ART & DRAMA for 4 – 6.5 yrs

Fees : $1,850
Pick Your Week (Tue-Thu):
9-11 Feb
16-18 Feb

10:00 am – 12:30 pm daily


Create a geometrical, festive bull collage that can stand on its own feet. Use a variety of textures as well as lustrous materials including assorted paper, fabric swatches and laisee packets. Begin the collage on card and take home a free-standing geometric bull to welcome in the lunar new year.


Our young performers of 4 – 6.5 yrs will explore storytelling and the Zodiac animals through physical theatre practice. Learning narrative pantomime and physical movement, participants are invited to discover the traits of the twelve Zodiac animals as characterised in the story of “The Zodiac Animals”, delivering a physical and energetic story.


Animals Collage Art

(Painting, Illustration)

VISUAL ART & DRAMA for 6.5 – 10 yrs

Fees : $1,950
Pick Your Week (Tue-Thu):
9-11 Feb
16-18 Feb

10:00 am – 12:45 pm daily


Portray unique characteristics of your favourite zodiac animals through a mixed-media illustration on wood board, inspired by the style of abstract artist Michel Keck. Experiment with layering collaged paper, pen linework, and acrylics. Study your animal of choice closely, using tracing tool for rendering its unique facial features.


For our older performers aged 6.5 – 10 yrs, we will expand our creativity with themed characterisation and physical theatre techniques. This advanced platform of storytelling will boost collaborative ensemble-building skills of our performers, recreating the adventurous story of “The Great Animal Race”.


Ceramic Fanatics

(Pinched Pot, Sgraffito)

VISUAL ART only for 10 yrs +

Fees : $2,300
(inclusive of bisque & glaze firing for 1 ware)
Pick Your Week (Tue & Thu):
9 & 11 Feb
16 & 18 Feb

10:00 am – 1:00 pm daily

Join an intensive, 6-hour workshop where ceramicist Felicity Wong will guide you through creating and decorating a refined, pinched pot with underglaze. Come up with and carve original pattern designs into your ceramic ware utilizing the technique of sgraffito. Learn the basics of clay modeling and trimming on the potter’s wheel.
(Maximum 3 pax in a class)


Colour My World Chinese New Year Workshop 2020

Colour My World Chinese New Year Workshop 2020

Happy New Year of The Rat!

Wed, Thu & Fri, 29, 30 & 31 Jan 2020

(Enquire separately for Wed, Thu & Fri, 22, 23 & 24 Jan 2020 programme)

In addition to an array of visual and performing arts, motion and creativity, we now offer Communication Skills and Music & Lyrics! Enrol now for our exiting New Year workshops to find your voice and put it to good use!

Animated Cheese Mouse

(Storyboarding, Collaborative Animation)

VISUAL ART & DRAMA for 4 – 6.5 yrs

Fees : $1,750
10:00 am – 12:30 pm daily

Let’s come together to create a lively story about the Rat who’s lost his cheese! Starting with narrative and storyboard creation to understand sequence and movements, design props and paper cut outs of still photography to create a computer animation. The outcome will be a collaboratively created animation clip to share with family and friends.


The Inked Piper

(Book Illustration, Ink Drawing)

VISUAL ART & DRAMA for 6.5 – 10 yrs

Fees : $1,850
10:00 am – 12:45 pm daily

Be mesmerized by ‘The Pied Piper of Hamlin’ and illustrate a frame that depicts a moment from the classic German fairytale. On this course, you will learn how to illustrate from a story, developing skills in book illustration and sequential art.  Amass a knowhow for ink drawing, and understand the core principles of composition and contrast. Informed by John Tenniel’s illustrative style for the ‘Alice In Wonderland’ series.


IN DRAMA….  Junior Masterclass in Presentation Performance

For 4 – 6.5 yrs & 6.5 – 10 yrs

Introducing CMW’s School of Drama! Come and attend a crash course of drama where each day will be dedicated to in-depth training of a performing arts skill that participants can bring to the stage. Our 3-morning programme will be split into juniors and advanced levels to give the most effective learning experience for all ages.

Junior Skills (4 – 6.5 yrs) cover Vocal Training, Confidence Boosting and Presentation Performance inspired by the movie Ratatouille.

Advanced Skills (6.5 – 10 yrs) offer Vocal Training, Mime, and Improvisation Performance inspired by Aesop’s Fable The Lion and the Mouse.


Are You A Town Mouse Or A Country Mouse

(Drawing, Paper Craft, Textile, Mixed Media)

VISUAL ART only for 10 yrs +

Fees : $2,050
10:00 am – 12:45 pm daily

Want to learn a set of specialist art and design skills by manipulating printed images? Then join us for a series of workshops in free-hand drawing, paper cut, and weaving to create your very own experimental mixed-media artwork. Develop skills in composition and learn principles of art to design a unique triptych, inspired by the ever-adaptable rats.


NEW Junior Masterclass –

Public Speaking by Jonathan Daly

For 8 – 13 yrs

Fees : $1,850
10:00 am – 12:00 nn daily

This Speak Aloud course by speech communication specialist Jonathan Daly offers a unique crash course in Public Speaking. Over three-mornings, you will acquire foundation level public speaking, from how to write an effective speech to practical presentation and performance skills. Come and increase your speech fluency, build your confidence, and develop your understanding of the skills necessary to be a successful Public Speaker.


NEW Fiction-Writing

by Mark McPherson

For 9 yrs +

Fees : $2,500
10:00 am – 12:45 pm daily

With a focus on establishing a writer’s habit and creating ideas through clustering, free writing and prompt, this fiction-writing workshop by creative writer Mark McPherson is designed for anyone who has an urge to write stories. With an introduction to story structure, character, conflict, setting and dialogue, participants will be guided from their initial ideas to a first draft. Ideal for lovers of words, books and storytelling!


Rodent Rhythm by Roy Cheung

For 4 – 7 yrs

Fees : $600 / 2-morning enrolment

11:45am-12:45pm daily on 29 & 31 Jan 2020

With the rat’s surprising win in the Chinese Zodiac Race, we will celebrate the Year of the Rat in a music workshop dedicated to the song Best Day of My Life by American Authors. Singing with a keyboard and background music, we’ll find your beat and rhythm in a variety of games! Learn melodies and explore your vocal range, before recording a professionally engineered recording of your performance to download and play for family and friends!

Music & Lyrics by Roy Cheung

(Lyric Composition/Sound Recording)

For 8 yrs +

Fees : $1,500 / 2-morning enrolment
10:00am-11:30am daily on 29 & 31 Jan 2020

Combine creative lyric writing with music and sound recording! Starting with pop song structures and lyric analysis, brainstorm and rewrite new lyrics to create your own parody version of the song! Learn to sing with diction, articulation, breathing and intonation. You also have the chance to record and take home your very own recording to share with family and friends. Come and start your musical journey here!